Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Election 2009

I think Walter Shapiro ( hit the nail right on the head. Fox and other right wing media outlets will try to spin the GOP gains in yesterday's localized elections as Democratic (read Obama) losses in 2010 and beyond. But state and local elections are generally decided on local issues that often transcend party alliances. And with big job losses and rising property taxes during a recession -- New Jersey voters, at least, mostly just wanted to "throw the bum out". Chris Daggett offered some really interesting ideas but without any money behind him -- was doomed. Young people aren't particularly engaged in issues like property taxes; they will work for charismatic leaders but not for the general political good.

A year ago when the financial system nearly collapsed after Lehman was allowed to die -- who would have predicted it? A year from now? Who CAN predict it!! The one useful message to come out of this election --at least in the Northeast -- is that with Mike Bloomberg's much smaller than expected winning margin in the New York City mayoral campaign and Governor Jon Corzine's defeat in NJ -- the public is disgusted with rich politicians spending obscene amounts of money on their campaigns. Voters who have lost jobs, homes and retirement dreams are not about to endorse so-called leaders who waste enough money on ego-driven campaigns to employ half of America until NEXT November's elections.